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What's going on around the club: March

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Corrigin Triathlon and Road Trip

What a weekend we had in Corrigin! If you missed out you're a duffa!

I highly recommend that you add it to the race list for 2022. A big thank you to Andrew and Emma Poultney who opened up their farm to us with a grand tour. We had a beautiful lunch and participated and observed in some of the everyday life of the Poultneys. The beautiful Corrigin Hotel and Corrigin locals made us feel so welcome. We certainly took over the race with 19 of us competing in the open section. It was a field of green, black and white. We can also highly recommend the Corrigin Gin which got a real working out after the race!

Busso Jetty Swim

We had a large number of members participate in the Busselton Jetty Swim on Valentine's Day. It wasn't the weekend we had planned but it turned out to be a great event with beautiful conditions. Many fought hard online, to get their spot and were not giving it up; even if it meant a really early start and a very long drive.

For some of our crew it was their longest swim in the open water. Well done all!

If you missed out this year....make sure you don't miss out next year!

Rottnest Channel Swim

Congratulations to our PTC athletes and support crew who swam from Cottesloe to Rottnest either solo, in a duo or as a team of four last weekend. Some of you have unfinished business and we know you'll be back out there next year!

Kalamunda 100

We had a number of athletes who successfully completed the Kalamunda 100 in the Perth Hills. The total elevation gain is over 2000m which is a quarter of Mount Everest. A very hard ride with a lot of climbing. Bring on dams!

Beginners Course Update

Our Beginners course is well underway with the race in Hillaries drawing closer. It's been great having some new faces and getting to know some of the group. We wish them all the best for their race. A number of PTC crew will be participating in the dams challenge on the same day as the Hillaries triathlon so unfortunately we won't have as many members racing in Hillaries as we normally would. If you are not signed up for dams, think about registering for Hillaries to support our beginners in their race finale. We'll do a shout out on Facebook in the coming weeks for spare club tri suits. If you are able to lend a tri suit to one of our beginners for their race it would be most appreciated.

Coffee with the Coach

Have you signed up to the coaching course this season? If you have paid your coaching fees you are entitled to join "Coffee with the Coach".

You will have the option twice a year to have a 1 on 1 conversation with your coach to talk about your progress and set goals for the future. Please fill in the questionnaire found under "Files" in the Facebook group. This will help your coach to prepare the catch up. Send the questionnaire to and we will organize a time for the catch up.

The big races are not far off! Good time to get your goals sorted

New Club Bathers

Nicole has been busy organizing a new range of swim wear for us from Catfish.

If you haven't seen the design look below. We'll be calling for orders in the next few weeks and a bag of sample sizes, will be at Friday morning swimming if you would like to try before you buy.

Thanks Nicole they look amazing!

Upcoming Events in March:

- Trans Cape Swim Run - Dunsborough - 6 March

- RAC Karri Valley - 13 March

- Port to Pub - 20 March

- City of Joondalup Coastal Quest - 28 March

- 3/5 Dams - 28 March



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